Consultancy Opportunity!
The Micronesia Challenge Regional Office and MC Steering Committee is seeking aStrategic Visioning Consultant!
This Strategic Visioning Consultant will lead the compilation and production of high-quality Visioning resources that will be utilized by leaders and representatives from the jurisdictions of the Micronesia Challenge at major national, regional, and global events to amplify the profile of the MC and aid in potential fundraising efforts.
Please refer to the attached Terms of Reference for more information on the consultancy!
Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis starting on March 15, 2024. Final deadline is March 31, 2024. Please submit your proposal to Micronesia Conservation Trust to Miss. Tamara Greenstone-Alefaio at tgreenstone-alefaio@ourmicronesia.org or to Miss Shirley Pelep at spelep@ourmicronesia.org.
An important note: while this is a consultancy to support the development of a very important document for the MC, it is also a chance to support the Micronesia Challenge throughout 2024 to elevate the MC and its work across the region. We anticipate this consultant to lead the document creation, representation at events and workshops, support fundraising so we can do more great things for the MC and work with leadership and partners to support the MC initiative.

APIC-Sophia-BRMC Scholarship Opportunity!
Apply to this amazing scholarship opportunity with the Sohia-APIC-BRMC Scholarship! Fully funded Master’s degree program in Global Environmental Studies at the Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan.
Deadline is March 10, 2024! Apply today!

MC Steering Committee and Partners at the MCRO SAP retreat
MCSC and regional partners meet in Guam for MCRO SAP and MC Communications Planning retreat

MCT and Partners welcome Dr. Blas, Micronesia Regional Research Coordinator
Dr. Andrea Blas, Micronesia Regional Research Coordinator

MC 2030 Showcased at the UOG Conference on Island Sustainability
The Micronesia Challenge Steering Committee and the Micronesia Challenge Measures Leads present the MC 2030 on a panel at the University of Guam Conference of Island Sustainability.

The Micronesia Challenge has signed on to new targets for 2030. After achieving their targets for the MC 2020 which sought to effectively manage 20% terrestrial and 30% marine resources by 2020, the Micronesia Challenge jurisdictions have increased their ambitions for sustainable management by committing to sustainably manage 30% terrestrial and 50% marine resources by 2030. They have also taken steps to include increased sustainable livelihood benefits and climate resilience as well as enforcement and compliance, fisheries management, and invasive species reduction.