©Marlin LeeLing
Our Partners
Funding and Technical Support
Australia Agency for International Development
Conservation International
Conservation Strategy Fund
David & Lucile Packard Foundation
European Union Conservation and Environmental Protection Programme
German Federal Ministry for the Environment
Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
German International Climate Initiative
Global Environment Facility
Global Island Partnership
Government of Turkey
Green Climate Fund
Helen Reef Resource Management Program
Japan International Cooperation
AgencyMargaret A. Cargill Philanthropies
Micronesia Conservation Trust
Micronesians in Island Conservation
US National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
New York Botanical Garden
Pacific Marine Resources Institute
Private donors (anonymous donors)
The Pacific Community (SPC)
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
Local Implementors and Measures
Palau Community College
Palau Conservation Society
Palau International Coral Reef Center
Ministry of Fisheries Agriculture and Environment
Bureau of Marine Resources
Division of Oceanic Fisheries Management
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Justice
Palau Sport Fishing Association
Ebiil SocietyBelau Offshore Fisheries Inc.
Northern Reefs Fisheries Co-opPalau PAN Fund
Northern Marianas Islands
Mariana Islands Nature Alliance
Bureau of Environmental and Coastal Quality
CNMI Division of Forestry
Guam Green Growth
University of Guam
University of Guam Marine Lab
University of Guam Center for Sustainability
Guam Department of Agriculture
The Nature Conservancy
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
US Department of Interior
US Environmental Protection Agency
US Forest ServiceOceankind
Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions
Association for Promotion of International Cooperation
Sophia University
World Wildlife Fund
Waitt Institue
Hawaii Green Growth
Insitute of Pacific Island Forestry
International Office of Migration (IOM)
Adaptation Fund
Pacific Islands Managed and Protected Areas Community
International Office of Migration (IOM)
Palau PAN Fund
Bureau of Environmental and Coastal Quality
University of Guam Marine Lab
University of Guam Center for Sustainability
Guam Department of Agriculture
Marine Environmental Research Institute of Pohnpei (MERIP)
College of Micronesia - FSM
Chuuk Conservation Society
Conservation Society of Pohnpei
Kaday Community and Cultural Development Organization
Kosrae Conservation and Safety Organization
Yap Community Action Program
Yela Environment Landowners Authority
FSM Department of Resources and Development
FSM Department of Environment, Climate Change & Emergency Management
Chuuk Women's Council
Tamil Resources Conservation Trust (TRCT)
Marine Environmental Research Institute of Pohnpei (MERIP)
College of Micronesia -FSM
Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority (KIRMA)
Pohnpei State Resources and Development
Chuuk State Environment Protection Agency
Yap Department of Resources and Development
Chuuk State Department of Marine Resources
Micronesia Marketing and Management Enterprise (MMME/NAC)
Sokehs Menin Katengensed
College of Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority (MIMRA) (CMAC Secretary)
RMI Environmental Protection Authority (RMIEPA) (current CMAC Chair)
Marshall Islands Conservation Society (MICS) (current CMAC Vice-Chair)
Climate Change Directorate (CCD)
RMI Historic Preservation Office (RMI HPO) 59
Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs (MoCIA)
RMI Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce (MoNRC)
Office of Commerce, Investment and Tourism (OCIT)
University of the South Pacific (USP)
Marshall Islands CampusWomen United Together in the Marshall Islands (WUTMI)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade (MoFAT)